Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Impossible? What Is That

Impossible is just a reason not to try or even attempt.  I know because I used to use that word a lot.  I have to say though that I didn’t initially start that way.  I learnt to think that way.  I used to be so hopeful, so full of what others call called ‘impossible dreams’.  I used to come up with great ideas and the grown ups would say forget it Neltah, that’s impossible.  For a long time I believed that and conformed but then I started questioning why God would create me with such a brain, make me dream this big and see these colourful and imaginable almost tangible hues and textures only to then  laugh in my face and say you are dreaming too big.  One day I had that conversation with God.  I didn’t get an instant understanding or even have a big dream that made me say wow now I get it.  I had an encounter with my daughter, then 7 years old.  We were talking about what she wanted in her life, what she wanted to do when she grew up.  She said she wanted to be a dancer, a singer, an actress, a fashion designer, a writer and be a great mom like me.  I said to her that’s impossible Ashley.  You can’t do all that.  There isn’t much time.  You need to focus on one thing.

‘Yes you can mom.  You are a writer, a fashion designer, an actress and a great mom and your dancing is great too.  You just don’t get paid for it. 

I want to get paid doing all the things I love to do, the same things that you love to do.  You act for us each time when you are translating those folk tales from your childhood, you sing a lot and you are very good.  Your writing is so amazing and I think you should get your books published.  I already lVictoria Beckham is a designer and yet she doesn’t even have a background in sewing like you.  So why not? Besides you tell me everyday that nothing is impossible.  I will just need to see how I can make it all work.’

What a lesson from my own child.  I got all the messages I give her daily back to me.  It was like looking in the mirror and realising that I can’t tell her one thing and do something else with my life.  I have to live my words more.  I have to be true to my thoughts, my dreams and my desires.  I have to live my desires in order for me to live a content and fulfilled life.  I have been partly doing so, I just haven’t turned my loves and desires into income generating ventures.  I know it’s possible so here I am.  I love talking too so maybe that too can turn into something exciting!!

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