Friday, 3 September 2010

Trip to Zimbabwe

Went to Zimbabwe in July and arrived back in Ireland on the 29th of August.  I was happy to be back but sad to be so far away from most of my family.  Zimbabwe used to sparkle and and shine and now it's like a dying giant trying hard to hold on to life.  The colour is gone from the surroundings as well as the glory that once used to separate it from many other countries on the continent of Africa.  I mourn the Zimbabwe of old but I do understand that things had to change dramatically for real change to happen.  This change that's there now though left me with many questions.  Was it worth it?  Are we gaining anything from all that has happened  and all that is still going on?  How can we manage the corruption that is eroding the country in many ways.  It's all very clear and very open and that attitude more than worries me. 

I am an eternal hopeful person and hope one day my country of birth will raise up to be better than it ever was.  The people there need that, I need that and so do my kids.  Don't get me wrong the people there are still fighting on and trying hard to feed their families and survive. They too are not giving up on a better tomorrow and I commend them for that.  I will post conversations that I did with various people on their hopes and dreams and how those can resuscitate Zimbabwe.

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